Thursday, June 6, 2013

1306.0370 (Florian Fröwis et al.)

Detecting quantum coherence in large-scale systems    [PDF]

Florian Fröwis, Maarten van den Nest, Wolfgang Dür
Can one certify the preparation of a coherent, many-body quantum state by measurements with bounded accuracy in the presence of noise and decoherence? Here, we introduce a criterion to assess the fragility of large-scale quantum states which is based on the distinguishability of orthogonal states after the action of very small amounts of noise. States which do not pass this criterion are called asymptotically incertifiable. We show that, if a coherent quantum state is asymptotically incertifiable, there exists an incoherent mixture (with entropy at least log 2) which is experimentally indistinguishable from the initial state. The Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states are examples of such asymptotically incertifiable states. More generally, we prove that any so-called macroscopic superposition state is asymptotically incertifiable. We also provide examples of quantum states that are experimentally indistinguishable from highly incoherent mixtures, i.e., with an almost-linear entropy in the number of qubits. Finally we show that all unique ground states of local gapped Hamiltonians (in any dimension) are certifiable.
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