Wednesday, May 29, 2013

1305.6427 (Karolina Słowik et al.)

Strong coupling of optical nanoantennas and atomic systems    [PDF]

Karolina Słowik, Robert Filter, Jakob Straubel, Carsten Rockstuhl, Falk Lederer
An optical nanoantenna and adjacent atomic systems are strongly coupled when an excitation is repeatedly exchanged between these subsystems prior to its eventual dissipation into the environment. It remains challenging to reach the strong coupling regime but it is equally rewarding. Once being achieved, promising applications as signal processing at the nanoscale and at the single photon level would come immediately into reach. Here, we study a hybrid configuration from different perspectives that consists of two identical atomic systems, described in a two-level approximation, that are strongly coupled to an optical nanoantenna. First, we investigate when this hybrid system requires a fully quantum description. Second, a design for a nanoantenna is presented that enables indeed the strong coupling regime. Besides a vivid time evolution, the strong coupling is documented in experimentally accessible quantities, such as the extinction spectra. The latter are shown to be strongly modified if the hybrid system is weakly driven and operates at the quantum level. We find that the extinction spectra depend sensitively on the number of atomic systems coupled to the nanoantenna. It therefore holds promise to eventually perceive sensing devices that operate at the single-molecule level.
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