Thursday, May 23, 2013

1305.5095 (Tim Byrnes)

Devil's crevasse and macroscopic entanglement in two-component
Bose-Einstein condensates

Tim Byrnes
Spin coherent states are the matter equivalent of optical coherent states, where a large number of two component particles form a macroscopic state displaying quantum coherence. Here we give a detailed study of entanglement generated between two spin-1/2 BECs due to an Sz1 Sz2 interaction. The states that are generated show a remarkably rich structure showing fractal characteristics. In the limit of large particle number N, the entanglement shows a strong dependence upon whether the entangling gate times are a rational or irrational multiple of pi/4. We discuss the robustness of various states under decoherence and show that despite the large number of particles in a typical BEC, entanglement on a macroscopic scale should be observable as long as the gate times are less than hbar/J sqrt[N], where J is the effective BEC-BEC coupling energy. Such states are anticipated to be useful for various quantum information applications such as quantum teleportation and quantum algorithms.
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