Friday, April 26, 2013

1304.6921 (G. A. Prataviera et al.)

Mean-field optical bistability of two-level atoms in structured

G. A. Prataviera, A. C. Yoshida, S. S. Mizrahi
We consider N driven two-level atoms interacting with a structured reservoir. By dressing the collective operators within a semiclassical approach, we derive a master equation and a mean-field single particle effective Hamiltonian. This Hamiltonian describes the optical bistability phenomenon occurring in the relation between an input electromagnetic field and the effective output generated by the N atoms. The dissipative part of the master equation and the effective single-particle Hamiltonian contain new terms due the reservoir structure of modes. In plotting the output field amplitude and phase, for a structured reservoir, as function of the input amplitude, one verifies the bistable behavior in both. We illustrate our results for two structured reservoirs: one having a Lorentzian shape for the distribution of modes, and the second is modeled as a photonic band-gap structure.
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