Thursday, April 18, 2013

1304.4708 (A. Dalafi et al.)

Controllability of optical bistability, cooling and entanglement in
hybrid cavity optomechanical systems by nonlinear atom-atom interaction

A. Dalafi, M. H. Naderi, M. Soltanolkotabi
We investigate the effects of atomic collisions as well as optomechanical mirror-field coupling on the optical bistability in a hybrid system consisting of a Bose-Einstein condensate inside a driven optical cavity with a moving end mirror. It is shown that the bistability of the system can be controlled by the s-wave scattering frequency which can provide the possibility of realizing a controllable optical switch. On the other hand, by studying the effect of the Bogoliubov mode, as a secondary mechanical mode relative to the mirror vibrations, on the cooling process as well as the bipartite mirror-field and atom-field entanglements we find an interpretation for the cooling of the Bogoliubov mode. The advantage of this hybrid system in comparison to the bare optomecanical cavity with a two-mode moving mirror is the controllability of the frequency of the secondary mode through the s-wave scattering interaction.
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