Friday, April 12, 2013

1304.3334 (Dominique Spehner et al.)

Geometric quantum discord with Bures distance    [PDF]

Dominique Spehner, Miguel Orszag
We define a new measure of quantum correlations in bipartite quantum systems given by the Bures distance of the system state to the set of classical states with respect to one subsystem, that is, to the states with zero quantum discord. Our measure is a geometrical version of the quantum discord. As the latter it quantifies the degree of non-classicality in the system. For pure states it is identical to the geometric measure of entanglement. We show that for mixed states it coincides with the optimal success probability of an ambiguous quantum state discrimination task. Moreover, the closest zero-discord states to a given state are obtained in terms of the corresponding optimal measurements. By solving the quantum state discrimination problem for two qubits we determine the geometric quantum discord and the closest zero-discord states explicitly for states with maximally disordered marginals.
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