Friday, March 22, 2013

1303.5256 (Omri Gat et al.)

Resonance phenomena in the interaction of a many-photon wave packet and
a qubit

Omri Gat, Max Lein, Stefan Teufel
We demonstrate that a highly excited quantum electromagnetic mode strongly interacting with a single qubit exhibits several distinct resonances in addition to the Bloch-Siegert resonance condition that arises in the interaction with classical radiation. The resonance phenomena are associated with non-classical effects: Collapse of Rabi oscillations, splitting of the photon wave packet, and field-qubit entanglement. The analysis is based on a semiclassical phase-space flow of 2-by-2 matrices and becomes exact when the photon number tends to infinity. The flow equations are solved perturbatively and numerically, showing that the resonant detuning of the field and qubit frequencies lie on two branches in the leading order, that further split into distinct curves in higher orders.
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