Wednesday, March 20, 2013

1303.4568 (Kenzo Ishikawa et al.)

Finite-size corrections to Fermi's golden rule: I Decay rates    [PDF]

Kenzo Ishikawa, Yutaka Tobita
A quantum mechanical wave of a finite size moves like a classical particle and shows unique decay probability. Because the wave function evolves according to a Schr\"{o}dinger equation, it preserves the total energy but not the kinetic energy in the intermediate-time region of a decay process where those of the parent and daughters overlap. The decay rate computed with Fermi's golden rule requires such corrections that varies with the distance between the initial and final states, and the energy distribution of the daughter is distorted from that of plane waves. The corrections have universal properties in relativistically invariant systems and reveal macroscopic quantum phenomena for light particles. The implications to precision experiments in beta decays and various radiative transitions are presented.
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