Monday, February 18, 2013

1302.3824 (P. J. Jones et al.)

Tunable electromagnetic environment for superconducting quantum bits    [PDF]

P. J. Jones, J. A. M. Huhtamäki, K. Y. Tan, M. Möttönen
We introduce a setup which realises a tunable engineered environment for experiments in circuit quantum electrodynamics. We illustrate this concept with the specific example of a quantum bit, qubit, in a high-quality-factor cavity which is separated from a resistor in another cavity by a capacitor. The temperature of the resistor can be controlled in a well defined manner in order to provide a hot or cold environment for the qubit, as desired. Furthermore, introducing superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) into the resistor cavity provides control of the coupling strength between this artificial environment and the qubit. We demonstrate that our scheme allows us to couple strongly to the environment enabling rapid initialization of the system, and by subsequent tuning of the magnetic flux of the SQUIDs we may greatly reduce the resistor-qubit coupling, allowing the qubit to evolve unhindered.
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