Thursday, December 20, 2012

1212.4552 (A. V. Turbiner et al.)

The ground state of the ${\rm H}_3^+$ molecular ion: a physics behind    [PDF]

A. V. Turbiner, J. C. Lopez Vieyra
Five physics mechanisms of interaction leading to binding of the ${\rm H}_3^+$ molecular ion are identified, realized in a form of variational trial functions and their respective total energies are calculated. Each of them provides subsequently the most accurate approximation for the Born-Oppenheimer (BO) ground state energy among (two-three-seven)-parametric trial functions being correspondingly, H$_2$-molecule plus proton (two variational parameters), H$_2^+$-ion plus H-atom (three variational parameters) and generalized Guillemin-Zener (seven variational parameters). These trial functions are chosen following a criterion of physical adequacy, they include the electronic correlation in the exponential form $\sim\exp{(\gamma r_{12})}$, where $\gamma$ is a variational parameter. Superpositions of two different mechanisms of binding are investigated and a particular one, which is a generalized Guillemin-Zener plus H$_2$-molecule plus proton (ten variational parameters), provides the total energy at the equilibrium $E=-1.3432$ a.u. Superposition of three mechanisms: generalized Guillemin-Zener plus (H$_2$ -molecule plus proton) plus (H$_2^+$ -ion plus H) (fourteen parameters) leads to the total energy which deviates from the best known BO energy to $\sim 0.0004$ a.u. In general, our variational energy agrees in two-three-four significant digits with the most accurate results available at present as well as major expectation values.
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