Thursday, November 29, 2012

1211.6731 (Maurizio Fagotti)

Finite-size corrections vs. relaxation after a sudden quench    [PDF]

Maurizio Fagotti
We consider the time evolution after sudden quenches of global parameters in translational invariant Hamiltonians and study the time average expectation values and entanglement entropies in finite chains. We show that in noninteracting models the time average of spin correlation functions is asymptotically equal to the infinite time limit in the infinite chain, which is known to be described by a generalized Gibbs ensemble. The equivalence breaks down considering nonlocal operators, and we establish that this can be traced back to the existence of conservation laws common to the Hamiltonian before and after the quench. We develop a method to compute the leading finite-size correction for time average correlation functions and entanglement entropies. We find that large corrections are generally associated to observables with slow relaxation dynamics.
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