Tuesday, November 6, 2012

1211.0617 (Jiahua Wei et al.)

A new scheme for probabilistic teleportation when only the sender knows
the partially entangled state

Jiahua Wei, Hong-Yi Dai, Ming Zhang
We propose a novel scheme for probabilistic teleportation when the information of the partially entangled sate is only available for the sender. This is in contrast with the fact that the receiver must know the non-maximally entangled state in the previous typical scheme for the teleportation. Additionally, we also exploit the probabilistic teleportation problem when the parameters of the partially entangled state are not exact, and this could help to understand the effects of the parametric inaccuracies on the probability and the fidelity of the teleported state.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1211.0617

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