Tuesday, October 9, 2012

1210.1895 (Glen Evenbly et al.)

A class of highly entangled many-body states that can be efficiently

Glen Evenbly, Guifre Vidal
We describe a quantum circuit that produces a highly entangled state of N qubits from which one can efficiently compute expectation values of local observables. This construction yields a variational ansatz for quantum many-body states that can be regarded as a generalization of the multi-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz (MERA), and to which we refer as the branching MERA. In a lattice system in D dimensions, the scaling of entanglement of a region of size L^D in the branching MERA is not subject to restrictions such as a boundary law L^{D-1}, but can be proportional to the size of the region, as we demonstrate numerically for D=1,2 dimensions.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1210.1895

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