Wednesday, October 3, 2012

1210.0309 (W. Zach Korth et al.)

A quantum radiation pressure noise-free optical spring    [PDF]

W. Zach Korth, Haixing Miao, Thomas Corbitt, Garrett D. Cole, Yanbei Chen, Rana X. Adhikari
Recent advances in micro- and nanofabrication have spawned great interest in the field of cavity optomechanics, which provides a promising avenue towards quantum-limited metrology and studies of quantum behaviors of macroscopic mechanical objects. One major impediment to reaching the quantum regime is thermal excitation, which can be overcome for sufficiently high mechanical quality factor Q. Here, we propose a method for increasing the effective Q of a mechanical resonator by stiffening it via the optical spring effect exhibited by linear optomechanical systems, and show how the associated quantum radiation pressure noise can be evaded by sensing and feedback control. In a parameter regime that is within current technology, this method allows for realistic quantum cavity optomechanics in a frequency band well below that which has been realized thus far.
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