Friday, September 14, 2012

1209.2901 (Xin-Yu Pan et al.)

Room temperature state-independent experimental test of quantum
contextuality in solid state system

Xin-Yu Pan, Gang-Qin Liu, Yan-Chun Chang, Heng Fan
Quantum mechanics implies that not all physical properties can be simultaneously well defined, such as the momentum and position due to Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Some alternative theories have been explored, notably the non-contextual hidden variable theories in which the properties of a system have pre-defined values which are independent of the measurement contextual. However, the Kochen-Specker theorem showed that such non-contextual hidden variable theories are in conflict with quantum mechanics. Recently, a state-independent inequality satisfied by non-contextual hidden variable theories and violated by quantum mechanics is proposed in the simplest three-state system (a qutrit) by the least 13 projection measurement rays. Here, we report an experimental demonstration of the violation of this inequality. This provides a state-independent experimental test of quantum contextuality, for the first time in solid state system, by a natural qutrit of nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond at room temperature.
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